时间:2023-06-28 17:27:30 来源:红网 作者:杨滋 涂扬 谭婕倪 田兴雨 张广蓉 栏目:新闻 阅读:157
Editor's note: From June 29 to July 2, the 3rd China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo will be held in Changsha, Hunan Province. Eight African countries, Benin, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Madagascar, Malawi, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria and Zambia, will be invited to serve as guests of honor. Rednet Moment launched the "The Cinematic Africa" series of videos to show the products and customs of these 8 countries.
1. 刚果(金)地处非洲中部,与9个国家为邻,有“非洲心脏”之称
1. Located in central Africa, adjacent to 9 countries, known as the “Heart of Africa”
2. 刚果(金)是“世界原料仓库”,盛产钴、钻石、铌钽等多种矿产
2. It is the world’s raw material warehouse, rich in cobalt, diamonds, niobium tantalum and other minerals.
3. 刚果(金)所在的刚果盆地为非洲最大盆地
3. It is located in the Congo Basin, the largest basin of Africa
4. 刚果(金)首都金沙萨是说法语人数最多的城市。
4. The capital, Kinshasa, has the highest number of French-speaking people
作者:杨滋 涂扬 谭婕倪 田兴雨 张广蓉
本文链接:https://www.bjjcc.cn/kepu/84177.html,文章来源:红网,作者:杨滋 涂扬 谭婕倪 田兴雨 张广蓉,版权归作者所有,如需转载请注明来源和作者,否则将追究法律责任!